Den Blå Planet in Denmark

Hi lovies!  Happy hump day!

I thought I would share another fun day from our Euro trip.  I feel like I still have sooo many more fun days to talk about and never the time to upload the pics to do it!! I promise I will stop being such a slacker lol.  This day was a perfect family day.  We went with my husbands cousin, Christian, and his wife and 2 girls.  It was a fun thing to do on the overcast day.  It was an aquarium filled with some pretty cool tropical fish.  Everything had the option of being read in Danish and in English so I wasn’t completely out of the loop!  Here are some fun pictures we took to capture the day.  Its a nice spot to check out if you are visiting for an extended period of time and especially if you have kids!  I would have to say that my favorite exhibit was seeing the piranha tank!  They are such crazy and pretty little fish, to think they are so dangerous is just mind blowing!

Outfit Details:

I opted for a comfy outfit this day. I found this tank tops at a boutique in NYC it was perfect for this trip.  I got it in black and white, similar here and here.  I opted for my comfy ripped jeans (similar here) and adidas sneakers.  This bag was also a favorite for me on this trip, perfect size and cross body (found similar here)!

Have you ever been? What was your favorite exhibit??



Myself, Olga, Thomas, Emma and Sidsel-posing outside after we saw the Otter show 🙂


They had this cool indoor jungle section.  We are heading down to where the piranha’s are!


Enormous tropical fish…







This is the mouth of a megalodon-so scary! 


I tried getting fancy with the camera (that I still do not know how to work!) and thought I would try to get some cool fish pics 🙂



My cute hubby and his family!

Have you been to the Blaa Planet before?


Carlsberg Brewery Tour in Denmark

Hi!  Happy Tuesday.  Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  It never seems to be long enough though!

I wanted to share another great experience that I had on my Euro trip.  While in Denmark we visited the Carlsberg brewery! It was such a fun time and so informative.  It was founded in 1847 and the tour takes place at their original brewing location.  So much history to see and read about, its definitely a fun couples day trip if you happen to be visiting Copenhagen.  We got there and walked around the gift shop, picked up some cute magnets and sweatshirts as souvenirs.  Then we bought tickets for a tasting.  The tasting was great because the woman conducting it was super knowledgeable about the different beers and told us all about the different hops and grains used and what different methods create the different flavors.  Overall super interesting and of course you get to taste everything, who doesn’t like that? lol  The Danes love Carlsberg and Tuborg beers (and no they do not taste the same here in the states, way better in DK!)

Here are some of the snaps I got from that day.



Copenhagen, Denmark-outfit details!

Hi loves!

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend, weather was beautiful here in NY, we even got to go swimming in our friends pool!  I know I mentioned I would start posting about my trip and of course life has been a bit hectic since returning.  Finally just uploaded some of the 2000+ pictures we took on our camera.  Still working on editing them and sorting through the better ones.  I thought I would share some that I have from my iPhone as well as include some outfit details!

Copenhagen will always hold a special place in our hearts.  My husbands mother, Birgit, was from Denmark and raised right outside of Copenhagen.  She met my father-in-law and moved to the states where they then raised my husband and his brother.  Since Birgit’s entire family was still in Denmark they made yearly visits with the kids while they were growing up.  My husband was very lucky to have the experiences he did while in Denmark.  Since he had been going there pretty much every summer he was able to make such a great network of friends as well.  We would like to continue the tradition of bringing our future children there and giving them similar experiences to what Thomas had.  My brother-in-law, Adam, made his way to Denmark 4 years ago to join the Danish Army.  This was our 2nd time visiting since he has made the move, and of course he was back a number of times to the states as well over those 4 years.  Family means the world to me.  I think that growing up and sharing experiences with loved ones is important and what life is all about.  Thomas has no family in the states anymore.  His mother and father have both passed away and his brother is now living in Denmark, for what looks like the rest of his life, if not for a number of years still.  I have the privileged of being able to see my parents and close relatives by planning a weekend to drive home.  For Thomas is it a long plane ride away.  We plan on making Denmark an every other year vacation to keep a close connection with his family.  It is just as important to me as it is to him.

So with that said, this part of our trip was amazing!  I have been to Copenhagen a couple of times now, both times before were in the winter.  Now, don’t get me wrong, Copenhagen is gorgeous in the winter, but man was it cold.  I didn’t mind it too much since they don’t get the intense amounts of snow like we do in New York, but it does get pretty chilly.  The last time we went before this trip was during Christmas.  It was such a fun experience to see all the traditions and being able to spend quality family time.  This time was just so different.  We were in Denmark for a total of 14 days.  We got to stay with Adam as well as Thomas’ cousin, Christian, and his family.  Since Thomas and Adam spent most of their time in Denmark in the summers I would always hear about how amazing Danish summers were.  It was never too hot, but warm enough to make a few dips in the water.  I was excited to finally get a chance to experience the Denmark that Thomas knew so well.  With it being warmer out and sunny we got to see and do so much.  We even got to go to the bathing bridge near his grandmothers house to swim.  The same bathing house that they would swim at all summer long.  Here are just a few pictures from Copenhagen.  I plan on writing a few more entries on Copenhagen since we saw and did so many great things.  I feel one entry would not do it justice.


Hubb and I :)–outfit details below


Get this look–Top: Zara (sold out) similar here and here, Jeans: Similar here and here, Sandals: Asos and here, Bag: here, Shades: Asos, Choker: here


Tom and I in Nyhavn, such a pretty street and canal.  The street is lined with the beautifully colored buildings.                                                                                                                Top: similar here, here and here, Jeans: similar here and here, Shawl: similar, Sandals: Birkenstocks



Inside of the shopping center, Magasin, they have this in the basement.  It was soo yummy!


my treat 🙂


I love shopping while in Denmark, we always need to pick up something Royal Copenhagen and Georg Jensen to add to our collection


Part of the walking street


Ending one of our fun filled days with a good old Carlsberg and Tuborg


I’m back!

Hiya Friends!

I got back on Sunday from our AMAZING Euro trip! I am SO SO excited to share it with all of you 🙂 We traveled to Copenhagen, Rome, Positano, Capri, Pompeii, Naples and parts of Iceland.  Each part of the trip was amazing in its own way and such an adventure.

In Copenhagen we have my husbands entire family, including his brother.  So we were busy getting together with family and friends but we had a solid 14 days there so getting to spend quality time with everyone was totally doable.  We did lots of family dinners, exploring areas that my husband would spend his summers at growing up (and making so many memories!) and yes, we did good old Tivoli.  Each and every time we have visited we have gone to Tivoli Gardens (one of the oldest amusement parks in the world).  It is such a fun family tradition.  I think it has continued on mainly because Thomas’ cousin, Christian, has two girls (11 and 15 years old) who absolutely still love going.  When Thomas and his brother were younger his older cousin, Christian, would be the one to bring them each year as well.  I think its so nice that we have continued the tradition and go back each time we visit, and the hopes will be it never stops since we would like to do the same with our future kiddies.  It is such a beautiful park, with lots of Scandinavian charm.  Then we always eat dinner at a place called Grafton, again its the only place we usually grab dinner at.  It was funny actually, since I am a vegan (and Danes LOVE their meat and fish) the menu had zero things on it for me to eat haha.  SO we asked them if they have a vegetarian option that could be made vegan and I got a look like, “oh no, one of these weirdos!”  It was so funny actually, but they did deliver and they gave me this lentils and veggies type dish which was actually not too bad.


Tom and I in Copenhagen, our first day.  This is in Nyhavn


Tivoli at night


We ate dinner this night at the top of the Tivoli hotel )amazing views!) at a place called Sticks and Sushi.  Poor hubby was taking the pic otherwise he would be in it too haha.  This is my bro-in-law, Adam, and his gf, Signe.

Then after 12 days in Copenhagen we flew to Rome where we did one night, then drove (yes, we drove in Italy and yes it was one of the craziest things I have experienced lol) to Praiano, where we stayed for 3 nights.  Then drove back to Rome and spent the night and took off early the following morning.  It was actually great having a car and being able to stop off where ever we wanted to and to be on our own schedule.  Rome was amazing.  I know it is touristy but for all the right reasons.  I have never with my own two eyes seen such amazing history all over the city.  It is a giant metro city and as you walk down the street you pass structures that are 2,000+ years old!  It was just so magical to see all of it.  We did get a chance to do a guided tour of the Colossuem and Pantheon (which I highly recommend!) It was great having a guide show us around and point out things and explain them to us.  Way better then if we walked around on our own, at least that was my personal opinion on it.  Our tour guide was also an archaeologist so she was super knowledgeable and really painted a great picture for us about the history of Rome. Then from Rome, our most relaxing part of the trip, Praiano/Amalfi Coast.  As I referenced above regarding the driving, I mainly am referring to the crazy roads you have to take to get to the Amalfi coast.  I have never seen such narrow (2 way) roads that wind and turn like crazy all along the edge of a cliff….It was just unbelievable how they drive and how good they are at it! haha Then on our way back to Rome we stopped off in Pompeii (another crazy awesome piece of history to explore) and Naples.  The Naples stop was literally just for pizza.  We weren’t going to drive past the birth place of pizza and NOT get some to try.  So we made a special pit stop in Naples at a place called, Del Presidente, to grab pies.  OMG, it was everything I hoped and dreamed it would be haha.





When in Rome, get gelato (or sorbet if your vegan like me 🙂 )


the. best. gnocchi. ever. (In Praiano)

This is just a little sneak peak of some of the pictures.  I literally took thousands! Haven’t even uploaded them all from my camera.  These are all just my iPhone pictures.

Then after Italy we flew back to Copenhagen for 2 nights, which was great.  We got to say goodbye to everyone one last time and the family introduced us to “Running Sushi” it was actually pretty amazing.  Its a conveyor belt that has plated sushi and other items going around it.  You take whatever you want as it goes by you.  Such a cool idea!  I guess its popular in Europe (really starting in Japan I guess?) it was a super fun experience and great night with the family.  Each plate has one or two pieces of sushi on it so as you eat you make a stack of plates in the middle.  Here was one of ours:


Running sushi-you can see the conveyor belt in the back!


We asked them if more veggie/vegan sushi would make its way to the belt and they were so sweet and made this up especially for me!

So after our 2 nights in Copenhagen we then flew out and did a 3 night layover in Iceland. We stayed in a hostel (with a private room and bath) in the heart of downtown Reyk. The beauty in that country is unreal.  The nature it like no other place I have seen.  The best way to describe how it looks is pretty much something from another planet.  The rocks, glaciers, moss, waterfalls, all just so insanely beautiful.  We also did the Blue Lagoon (you cannot visit Iceland and NOT go there-and yes, it lived up to its expectations).  We rented a car here, which again was an awesome idea.  No need to get on a big bus with strangers and go around, we were on our own time and it was perfect.






and yes, they had a Lebowski bar which was pretty awesome

Again, this is just a sneak peak of some of the wonders we saw.  I have been brainstorming how I would like to present the trip here, on my blog, and I am going to post about it according to my journal.  I kept a travel journal the entire time.  I just hate forgetting each day, especially when you are traveling around for so long, so its a nice way to re-live each day when you read the entry.  This way I can break down the trip in a better order.

I am looking forward to sharing everything with you guys and will hopefully get the first post up and edited this weekend!  This is going to be a number of entries but I feel like its the only way to capture most of it AND show off some of my outfits and give all the details!

As mush as I loved Europe and going on such a great adventure, it is great to be back in the States 🙂

Any fun travels that you have coming up?!



***All these pictures are my own.  Please do not use them without my permission.

Euro Trip! Follow me :)

Today is the day!  It seems like I have been counting down the days until we leave for this trip for so long.  I am SO excited, kind of like a little kid on Christmas Eve haha.  Well, I just wanted to give you all a heads up that I plan on taking TONS of pictures and posting about all my outfits as well!!

You can also follow me on Instagram and Snapchat: LaurenQskaggs.  I am hoping I will have some chances to post full blog entries but I may have limited internet access.  I will certainly be posting a lot on Instagram and Snapchat though.

Follow along if you want to see Copenhagen, Denmark; Rome, Praiano, Positano and Capri, Italy as well as Iceland!



Summer trends on SALE!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope you all enjoyed a long weekend (I sure did!).  We went up into the Adirondack Mountains (SO GORGEOUS, if you are in NY or ever visit, go check out Saranac Lake area). Any who, I am at the 10 day mark for our trip.  10 days left to get all the last minute things on our list!  I have an order coming in from SheIn.  I just cannot get over how many things I purchased at such great prices! I wanted to share some of my buys!  They are currently having another AMAZING sale right now.  Promo codes are below and you can get up to 45% off your purchase!!



love this ombre tank!


I can wear these with anything. LOVE the colors


I know I posted about these before but you cannot beat $30 for these when all the other designer ones are over $100!


I love white and off the shoulder. Win, win!


I have been searching for this wash, I just love these! and they are only $15.99!!!


Happy Shopping Lovies!






Take 40% OFF Over US$55     CODE:AC40

Take 45% OFF Over US$105    CODE:AC45

Get your latest fashion with the least cost from SheIn.

What are you waiting for?

Do not hesitate, just buy it.


Travel Essentials

Hi loves! Happy Thursday 🙂 I hope your weeks are all flying by.  Since I am in such a travel mindset (with out trip only 36 Days away!-and yes I have a countdown app) I thought it would be fun to round up some ideal travel items that I will be getting for our trip.

We are flying from NYC to Copenhagen, which is a 7 or so hour flight, and I need to make sure I have all I could possibly need to be comfortable.  We all know airplanes are not ideal places to sleep and they do not provide really any comfort.  I have some items I love to bring with me to try and make the flight as enjoyable as possible.  I always freeze on flights so when we fly during the summer I make sure to wear layers and I always wear sandals and bring socks! During our trip we will be taking a 5 day excursion to Italy (and only bringing carry-ons) so I have been on the hunt for the perfect bag (regulation size for all 3 airlines we are taking-they vary believe it or not!) and I finally found one that I wanted to share with you guys.  I actually got mine in a different print and it was on sale for half price on Vera Bradley.


1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14


Do any of you have fun trips in the future planned?! What are some of your fave travel items??
